1 min readJun 27, 2021


From the high Himalayas up the North to down southern Pacific and Atlantic. The first sight of these majestic entities of nature always makes the heart skip a beat for a fleeting moment. But then seconds later, it’s all gone and then there I am, same old me, trying to escape this mundanity yet again. Sometimes, the emptiness inside makes me wonder what is this unguided voyage for ? What am I actually seeking ? I eventually realize it’s not just me and there is no answer at all. At such moment, I always remember the impromptu conversation I had with an old friend.

Me: Sometimes, I fucking don’t understand what I am seeking.

He: My friend, you are seeking home away from home !

I am starting to believe he might be right. Interestingly today, I stumbled onto a short poem(Diaspora blues) by Ijeoma Umebinyuo which hit it quite right.

So, here you are

too foreign for home

too foreign for here.

Never enough for both.

But then I also know, this fleeting feeling disappears instantly and another morning I carry a bagpack and venture out for next voyage just to escape home. Oh this pretty little anomaly we dwell within !!

